Subfilum spermopsida; would focus on the identification and study of those plant species that act in parks and gardens as hiding places for furtive relationships,
habitats that conceal other realities related with sporadic sex. The wealth of species varies according to the location and the effects of human handling on the plant structure.
By cataloguing the diverse varieties that surround such venues, we can appreciate the different landscapes that witness these clandestine appointments.
Parks, empty lots and nature reserves become the stage for improvised fantasies; in these wild spots imbued with certain timelessness, an attempt is made to recreate a bucolic realm for leisure and the most radical hedonism.
I thought that botany was a perfect excuse for exploring this theme, which involves both ethical and moral issues. It was a way of emphasising the euphemism by bringing to light various realities, double identities, interests, senses, functions and meanings.
RELAX MIX. OTRO ESPACIO. Mislata,Valencia 2009

Vista de la Instalación.

BREAKPOINT 09. Sala La Perrera. Valencia.

Convocatoria "Breakpoint" nace en Valencia con el propósito de fomentar la producción artística fotográfica. Se define como un generador no solo de proyectos sino también de encuentros e intercambios artístico-culturales, que pretende la creación de nodos en diferentes partes del mundo para componer una red de divulgación y tráfico de ideas.